
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Nolan Gate - Sent By Rays - CWR records 2006

Purchase cd

Over the past 10 years my favorite NY/NJ metal band has been The Nolan Gate. In my opinion they are criminally overlooked and you should all give this cd a listen. They are playing in Brooklyn this Friday 02/13/08 at The Charlston, so you local peeps should come out to see them, and buy me drinks all night to show me your appreciation for all this great music I give you for free.

I would describe The Gate as I like to call them as a bit of throw back to the mid 90’s amrep scene (maybe) Just totally tight heavy riffing, monster bass and pounding drums…Think Prong or Candiria minus the jazzy hip hop crap or something… Oh just listen to it already. Dave G.

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