Boom Box DemoHere's a little something I got my hands on recently that I had been looking for for what felt life forever.
Gilligan's Revenge is pre Token Entry and is much more punk than hardcore which is a good thing in this case. The recording could be better and the sound seems to switch from the left speaker to the right speaker at times but the recording is definitely listenable and enjoyable, and these songs are the only living record of the band that is still in existence. Here is a bit of history about Gilligan's Revenge and Token Entry that was provided by Johnny Stig himself.
"Here is a little history on GR and the demo. I'm going off the top of my head... Let’s see. First let me say I played bass on the demo and also played bass for Token Entry on The Ready or not 7" "Beneath" and Jaybird albums.
Yes, the demo was recorded on a boom box in my garage. Dave Gunner from Kraut let us use his box. The reason it switches between the speakers is because the singer sang directly into the built in mic and he kept accidentally clicking a button. The drums consisted of a kick, snair, hihat and a crash. I had a borrowed bass amp (I borrowed so many) that was definitely transported to the garage on a skateboard. A tiny little Marshall and of course a boombox. It was recorded in 1981. I,Johnny played (bass) 15, Ernie(drums) 14, John (vox) 14 and Andy (guitar)14. Ernie and I started GR and recruited John and Andy. We went thru a few singers after John. Eddie Sutton from Leeway, John Woods then Anthony (TE, Raw Deal, Killing Time, Token Entry). A few guitarists too. After Andy (Devil Dogs) we got Mick(Token Entry) then Dito (Major Conflict) for like 2 weeks. Then Eddie Rossi a 16 year old guitar prodigy. Then Mick again. Then into TE. I'm sorry to say that is the only demo that can be found. We had others and also recorded an album which was never released with the "prodigy" but those tapes are gone. We probably had about 40 songs over the years. Some even followed us into Token Entry. Psycho, Latent Images and Antidote. I think Look Around and some others too. Ernie made the GB logo and the GR logo. GB started in 1987 GR was in 1981 so maybe he just forgot. We were well into Token Entry already. Plus let me also say GR was the first skate punk band in NYC and we were the youngest ever NYHC band along with the Young and the Useless who were about the same age. There you go"